Often used to treat forms of erectile dysfunction.
*Recommended Daily Intake
Often used to treat forms of erectile dysfunction.
Naturally present in the body, this amino acid is often included in vitamin supplements.
Of Indian origin, this perennial plant is renowned for increasing sporting and sexual performance.
Frequently used in supplements that tone the body. We know a positive effect on sexual impotence and performance problems. Not recommended for women with a personal or family history of breast cancer.
It's often used in South America as a sexual stimulant.
Recognised for its pharmaceutical properties, it is used for its nervous system stimulant effects.
A common spice, this spice is known for its antioxidant properties.
Known to be an antiemetic and migraine reliever, gingers may also be used as an anti-inflammatory.
Most commonly used as a cooking ingredient. What is less known is it is known to have tonifying and vasodilatory properties, like an aphrodisiac.
To complete the formula, we've added an important amino acid - zinc. PLZR+ includes 5 vitamins that will provide you with 100% of your Daily Recommended Intake : Vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 and B6.